On a couple
of occasions, now, I’ve written about this same topic. We have so many words and phrases we
don’t use anymore, and we continue to use countless others that have lost their original meaning. For instance, does anybody ever encounter (or
even remember how to use) a pay phone?
What about a cassette tape? If
you use one of those, you’ll surely have to rewind at some point. And why do we still tell the kids to roll up the windows in the car? If we’re not
careful, we’ll sound like a broken record. But don't touch that dial, I’m not running out of steam just yet! When was the last time you experienced a Kodak moment? On the flip side, sometimes you’re just not up to having your picture taken because you feel like
you’ve been through the wringer.
The context
for each of my previous articles was the arrival of a new grandchild, and the
arrival of our newest, Grace Elaine, prompted this one. Just as each grandchild is unique, so, too,
were the circumstances surrounding each child’s arrival. Our first grandchild was adopted from a birth
mother dealing with some very difficult and dangerous addiction issues. I found
that the word redeemed described his situation quite well. Our next grandchild, also adopted, came from a
different situation. His birth mother simply recognized she couldn’t provide all
her baby would need. In a very real
sense, the birth mother bequeathed him to his new family.
To bestow means to give or present
something of value or honor
arrival called to my mind another word we rarely use any more, the word
bestow. To bestow means to give or
present something, often something of value or honor. Like her cousins before her, Grace is an
incredibly precious honor deeply loved and cherished by her family. During a recent visit with Grace and her parents,
I had the chance to hear our son-in-law recall all the wonderful changes
they’d experienced over the last couple of years. Unlike her sisters, our oldest daughter
didn’t marry right out of college. In
fact, she didn’t even meet her husband until she was into her 30’s. But once they met, things moved rather
swiftly. In the span of just over 30
months, they went from meeting to dating to engagement to marriage to pregnancy
to Grace’s arrival. So, by the time we
all caught our breath, it felt a very much as if Grace had simply, and almost
suddenly, been bestowed on us. The honor
and responsibility that come with such a gift are still sinking in.
My prayer for Grace is that she will live into her name
Each of our
grandchildren is a gift I treasure deeply.
In fact, I believe every child, every life, is a gift from God. The timing and circumstances of Grace’s birth,
though, made her arrival special in its own way. Of course, her very name speaks to an even
greater gift – God’s gift of grace to all who will receive it. My prayer for Grace is that she will live
into her name and will know God’s abundant grace in her own life, even as she
shares it extravagantly with those around her.
What greater gift could God bestow to Grace than His grace?
bequeathed, and bestowed. Oliver, Coehn,
and Grace. What precious gifts, one and
To God be
the glory!
#bestowed #bequeathed #redeemed #grandchild #grace #old words