Friday, March 30, 2018

An Easter Blessing

Charles Dickens’ classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, begins, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”  Certain days seem that way, too.

Last Saturday was one of those days for me and my family.  You see, Saturday was the day I officiated our oldest daughter’s wedding ceremony.  It was the best of times.  That same day also marked the funeral of one of the same daughter’s best friends from high school and college.  Her father officiated that service.  It was the worst of times.

Good Friday is another of those days.  Why call “good” the day upon which our Lord was brutally murdered?  It is only through the redeeming power of God that we can consider such a day, such an event, good.  Were it not for the promise of Resurrection Sunday, of Easter, that Friday would be anything but good.  
But Easter is an accomplished fact.  It is the day upon which that same Lord overcame death and fulfilled his promise of forgiveness and life eternal.  Without Friday, though, it could never have happened.  Hard as it was, Friday was very good, indeed.

This weekend, Friday included, marks the very best of times.  So, too, did last Saturday, with its wedding, and even with its funeral.  God's redeeming power seen so clearly in the resurrection was also at work in the life of our daughter’s friend.  Her death marks the beginning of life at home in the presence of God.  That fact allows us to join with the Psalmist in acknowledging that, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants” (Psalm 116:15).

As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, remember that it happened because, not in spite, of the events of Good Friday.  The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were not God’s “Plan B.”  He knew the darkness of our hearts and loved us anyway.  He knew the suffering and sacrifice it would take, but he loved us anyway.  The pain and sorrow of Good Friday were transformed into the exuberant celebration of Easter Sunday because he loved us anyway.

May all the blessings of Easter be yours because of his love.

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